
MozTrap allows fine-grained and flexible specification of the environment(s) in which each test should be run.

An Environment is a collection of environment elements that together define the conditions for a single run of a test. For instance, an environment for testing a web application might consist of a browser, an operating system, and a language; so one environment might be Firefox 10, OS X, English, and another Internet Explorer 9, Windows 7, Spanish.

An Environment Element is a single element of a test environment, e.g. Windows 7 or Firefox 10.

An Environment Category is a category containing several (generally mutually exclusive) elements. For instance, the Operating System category might contain the elements OS X 10.5, OS X 10.6, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.

An Environment Profile is a collection of Environments that specifies the supported environments for testing a product or type of product. For instance, a Web Applications environment profile might contain a set of environments where each one specifies a particular combination of web browser, operating system, and language.

Environment profiles can be named and maintained independently of any specific product; these generic profiles can then be used as the initial profile for a new product. For instance, the generic Web Applications profile described above could be used as the initial profile for a new web application product.

Product versions, runs, and test cases all have their own environment profile; that is, the set of environments relevant for testing that particular product version, test run, or test case. These profiles are inherited.

Environment Edit Fields

  • Name - The name of the Environment Profile. This name is what you’ll see when selecting environments for a product version.
  • Table
    • Name - The name of each environment category. Select the environment categories you want to include in your profile. You can create new categories as you need them (see Add a Category below)
    • Elements - The environment elements that exist in this category. You can select all elements from a category, or specific ones. You can also create new ones, as you need.
    • Add a Category - Click this bar to add a new environment category. Just type the new category name in the field and hit enter. You can then add elements to it.
  • save profile - Clicking this will auto-generate all combinations of the categories and elements you chose above. You will then be taken to a screen where you can pare the list of environments down to only the ones you truly want to have included in the profile. See Auto-generation below for more info.


Given a set of environment categories (or subsets of the elements from each category) MozTrap can auto-generate an environment profile containing every possible combination of one element from each category.

For instance, given the elements Firefox and Opera in the category Browser and the elements Windows and OS X in the category Operating System, the auto-generated profile would contain the Environments Firefox, Windows; Firefox, OS X; Opera, Windows; and Opera, OS X.


At the highest level, a product version’s environment profile describes the full set of environments that the product version supports and should be tested in.

A test run or test case version by default inherits the full environment profile of its product version, but its profile can be narrowed from the product version’s profile. For instance, if a particular test case version only applies to the Windows port of the product, all non-Windows environments could be eliminated from that test case’s environment profile. Similarly, a test run could be designated as Esperanto-only, and all non-Esperanto environments would be removed from its profile (ok, that’s not very likely).

The environment profile of a test case or test run is limited to a subset of the parent product version’s profile - it doesn’t make sense to write a test case or execute a test run for a product version on environments the product version itself does not support.

When a test case is included in a test run, the resulting “executable case” gets its own environment profile: the intersection of the environment profiles of the test run and the test case. So, for example, if the above Windows-only test case were included in an Esperanto-only test run, that case, as executed in that run, would get an even smaller environment profile containing only Windows Esperanto environments.

Thus, the inheritance tree for environment profiles looks something like a diamond:

  /        \
 run    case-version
  \        /


Whenever an environment is removed from an object’s profile, that removal cascades down to all children of that object. So removing an environment from a product version’s profile also automatically removes it from all test runs and test cases associated with that product version.

Adding an environment only cascades in certain situations. Adding an environment to a product version’s profile cascades to test runs only if they are still in Draft state; once they are activated, their environment profile can no longer be added to.

Additions to a product version’s environment profile cascade only to those test cases whose environment profile is still identical to the product version’s environment profile (i.e. test cases that apply to all environments the product supports). Once a test case has been narrowed to a subset of the product version’s full environment profile, additions to the product version’s profile will have to be manually added to the case’s profile if the new environment applies to that case.

Test results, once recorded, are never deleted, even if their corresponding environment is removed from their product version or run’s environment profile.

Select Environments

This page allows you to narrow the list of environments for a given object. This can be a product version, test run, test suite, or test case. See Inheritance and Cascades above for a detailed explanation. In this dialog, you can uncheck any environments that you do not want to apply the version/run/suite/case in question. You can also add environments back in that may have been previously removed. Just check or uncheck items to include / exclude them.